September 3-6

This week is a four day week because there was no school on Monday because of Labor Day. On Tuesday, our language arts class was in the computer lab. We had been reading a story in our literature books called “Zebra.” Zebra was the main character in this story. The class was told to write a letter to Zebra on My Big Campus convincing him why or why not he should take the art class that John Wilson was providing over the summer. After we were finished, we sent it to Miss Bair.

Then, on Wednesday, at the beginning of class, the class had a chance to read for AR or to go to the library. After the 15 minutes, we took notes on direct characterization, indirect characterization, and how authors use indirect characterization. Then we each got a slip of paper that had a shoe on it. To get the extra credit, you have to write a two page story about a person that would wear these shoes and about their personality. That is what I learned in Language Arts this week.

By: Meredith

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